links for 2006-10-25
Via meneame dos sitios donde podemos encontrar multiples plugins gratuitos, ordenados por categorÃas, tanto para Photoshop como para Gimp.
In this post I'll cover the difference between multi-core concurrency that is often referred to as Scale-Up and distributed computing that is often referred to as Scale-Out mode. more.. Source: Scale-out vs Scale-up ( by Nati Shalom …
Hace unos días me vi en la necesidad de implementar en una web un proceso que puede tardar uno o dos minutos dependiendo de varios factores. El problema reside en que es un proceso que inicia el usuario y el usuario normalmente es impaciente, por lo …
PaintbrushJS is a lightweight, browser-based image processing library that can apply various visual filters to images within a web page.You use it by applying a class to an element on the page and setting a few parameters with some extra HTML attributes. If the element is an img or it has a background-image set in your CSS, PaintbrushJS will create …