links for 2007-08-20
Cómo asignar un icono desde la CSS según la extensión del archivo que se enlaza
Frame is a modular CSS framework that supports: Layout, Typography, Forms, Code, Table, Reset, and Print styling. It is HTML5 compatible, and provides default styles and support for HTML5 elements. Frame is accompanied by an online tool that allows you to easily generate your own build (in case you don’t need to use all the features). …
NoSQL Guide for Beginners: Alexandre Porcelli has a great post for NoSQL beginners: one of the most frequent question that people use to ask me about nosql is: what is the best nosql tool that enables me start with using my programming language (java, .net, php, python, etc..)? its almost impossible to have a quick answer ‘cos it involves many thin …
Hacía tiempo que no ponía enlaces rápidos, pero siguen siendo interesantes:
ezMark is a jQuery Plugin that allows you to stylize Radio button and Checkbox easily. Its very small (minified version is ~1.5kb) compared to other similar scripts. It has been tested and works on all major browsers (IE 6/7/8, Firefox, Safari, Chrome) and it gracefully degrades.To customize the default checkbox/radiobutton image, simply change the …