links for 2007-11-14
La idea: difundir y concientizar a todos sobre la importancia de crear sitios accesibles, sin dejar a nadie afuera.
HTML5 Boilerplate is the professional badass’s base HTML/CSS/JS template for a fast, robust and future-proof site. After more than two years in iterative development, you get the best of the best practices baked in: cross-browser normalization, perfo …
Regardless of which database back end your project uses, a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) controller can simplify your development efforts. Set up a very basic JSON controller that can enhance your next development project.
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El buffer de PHP permite almacenar la salida de PHP para enviarla en bloques de cierto tamaño. Una forma de forzar el envío del buffer es usando el método flush(). Es interesante usar este método justo detrás de la cabecera del documento HTML, ya que cuando se envía el head el navegador puede empezar a descargar CSS, javascripts, iconos, …
I was recently redesigning my website and wanted to create tooltips. Making that was easy but I also wanted my tooltips to feature the a triangular pointer. I’m a disaster when it comes to images and the prospect of needing to make an image for eve
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