This article gives examples on how to accomplish common design elements with the use of very minimal images, if any at all. Use CSS to lose the excess images and keep your page loading fast.
Jennifer Woodard, co-editora de VivirLatino, ha entrevistado e Evan Williams y Biz Stone para el blog de PBS, estamento público que reúne a las televisiones pública en USA… Repaso al origen de Twitter, fases de crecimiento…
Biz Stone, Co-Founder of Twitter talks about the social networking and micro-blogging service’s runaway success, and how marketers can leverage this new tool.
Un estudio basado en una muestra aleatoria de miles de páginas indica que las búsquedas relacionadas con esta temática apenas alcanzan el 6% del total
Well, this solution offers something new to the world of rounded corners. What it does is this: it crops the content below it, so that anything with a background color or image (headers, paragraphs, even images) automatically get the rounded corner treatm
A better alternative is to embed the MOV file in you Web page. This is possible whether you are linking to the file from a blog or from a corporate video site. The process of embedding the movie is the same for virtually every circumstance.
I write everything out in as much details as possible, almost like a transcript, and then read the notes out-loud several times. Once I’m happy with the basic structure I’ll move everything into Keynote. I used to use S5