
NoSQL Databases and Security

NoSQL Databases and Security: Jeff Darcy writes about NoSQL systems’ security (actually the lack of): Most NoSQL stores have no concept of security. […] Mostly it falls into two categories: encryption and authentication/authorization (collectively “a …

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Peculiar: iconos realizados con CSS

Peculiar es un paquete de iconos realizado sólo en CSS. Ha sido creado pensando en sitios y aplicaciones web que dependan de un número muy reducido de peticiones HTTP o que no necesiten o no puedan utilizar ninguna imagen. El paquete contiene 45 pict …

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Optimizing Search Functionality with Large JavaScript Arrays

Processing arrays can take quite a few bit of time, this is something that can directly impacts the loading speed of your page and depend of the computer and the browser your users use. When you think that a typical users can load your website with a netbook , or an iphone for that matter, speeding up search in large arrays can be a good way to optimize your code …

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HTML5 Boilerplate

HTML5 Boilerplate is the professional badass’s base HTML/CSS/JS template for a fast, robust and future-proof site. After more than two years in iterative development, you get the best of the best practices baked in: cross-browser normalization, perfo …

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CSS Triangles

I was recently redesigning my website and wanted to create tooltips.  Making that was easy but I also wanted my tooltips to feature the a triangular pointer.  I’m a disaster when it comes to images and the prospect of needing to make an image for eve
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Redirecting Old URLs in WordPress

We recently devised a system to redirect old URLs in PHP so that you could avoid “page not found” errors (I suggest you read it before venturing further). In this article, we’ll create a similar system for WordPress, the popular PHP CMS. How is WordP
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