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Cómo destacar en el menú de navegación el acceso en que nos encontramos

Imaginemos que tenemos un menú de navegación y queremos diferenciar la opción de Home, el About, el Contacto… ya que en esos momentos estamos en uno de ellos.

¿Cómo hacerlo? En Babblative nos enlazan algunos métodos para hacerlo:

Method 1 – WordPress: WordPress actually has this feature built-in. WP-List-Pages

Method 2 – PHP: Jem’s Trendy Active CSS Tabs or Matt’s Intelligent Menu’s. I’ve personally had middling success with PHP on a manually maintained site and little success with it on Textpattern.

Method 3 – Textpattern: You can either muck around with multiple templates, which is bloated and unnecessary, or you can use this method. If you choose to use the multiple templates then you’ll need to read how do I use a different page layout for each section?

Method 4 – Manually Maintained Sites: Use Hicksdesigns method to highlighting current page with CSS

Keep Reading: Keeping a ‘current state’ on navigation, Keeping Navigation Current With PHP, EasyNav, Setting the Current Menu State with CSS

Vía / Babblative