Picasa jQuery Plugin
A simple jQuery plugin to get albums and images from Picasa without the need for PHP, Ruby, or any other server side language. Makes it easy to create a simple, dynamic, free, client-side-only image gallery. …
A simple jQuery plugin to get albums and images from Picasa without the need for PHP, Ruby, or any other server side language. Makes it easy to create a simple, dynamic, free, client-side-only image gallery. …
Fonts on the web are essentially vector based graphics. That’s why you can display them at 12px or 120px and they remain crisp and relatively sharp-edged. Vector means that their shape is determined by points and mathematics to describe the shape, rather than actual pixel data. Because they are vector, it would make sense if we could do things that …
ExtJS es una librerÃa Javascript que hace de puente a las librerÃas de Yahoo!, jQuery y Prototype+Scriptaculous para ofrecernos de forma sencilla componentes GUI en nuestras aplicaciones cliente.
Entre los componentes que nos ofrece encontramos diálogos, menús, tablas, layouts, paneles, pestañas y mucho más.
VÃa / dzone