links for 2008-01-31
Movable Type acaba de poner a disposición de sus usuarios un nuevo plugin, llamado “Action Streams“, que permite agrupar en un sólo sitio todas las acciones que realices en redes sociales para mostrarlo en tu blog.
There’s nothing like a subtle, slick website widget that effectively uses CSS and JavaScript to enhance the user experience. Of course widgets like that take many hours to perfect, but it doesn’t take long for that effort to be rewarded with above-average user retention and buzz. One of the widgets I love is Twitter’s “Follow” button. Let me sho …
New on today there’s a tutorial showing you how to download and parse messages from Google Mail. In their case it’s grabbing and parsing submissions from a form. Some friends of mine publish a literary journal that accepts submissions via email. At their request I wrote a script to download messages from the journal’s Gmail account a …